b'and most importantly, acquired donationsrangingfromPinnochiotoHarryPotter. from Brechins PAC, SD68 and other sourcesThe excitement was infectious.to increase Brechins purchasing power.InDuring one rainy recess the Vice Principal total, she raised close to $2000 to get theled a Grade 7 student through the newly-new and exciting space off the ground. Inconstructedroom to get a card game from notime,tableswereup,shelvesstackedone of the cabinets.The student let out a with bins of materials and classes readiedcontented sigh as he entered.I love this to engage in their first building project. roomhesaid.Suchcommentsare,for Brechin, the indicators of success.So FarTheveryfirstprojectwaspartofourTheMakerSpaceatBrechinElementary LiteracyWeekCelebrations.Studentsis heading into its second month of being transformedapotatointotheirfavoriteopen.Amongotherthings,students storybookcharacter.Itwasahandsonarebuildingdioramastocoincidewitha project at its finest!Over the course of aScienceprojectandthereareplansfor week, every class in the school circulatedsignstobebuiltfortheschoolgarden. through the new space and used the designIdeas are beginning to flow and students process to ask, imagine, plan, create andareassociatingschoolwithsatisfying improve their projects. hands-onengagement.Timewilltellif literacy and numeracy rates increase as a Standingattablesasopposedtositting,result.Most importantly though is that the shouldertoshoulder,kid-friendlyfunMaker Space builds within the students a materialslikeplasticine,pipecleaners,healthy love of school and enthusiasm for paintandgooglyeyeswereappliedtolearning. tubers.Chatteraboutfavoritebooks aboundedasstudentscraftedcreatures Page8'