b'Supporting the Board of EducationsConsistent learning Continuous Improvement ofopportunities to engage in all aspects of the Instruction and Assessment curriculum, K-12 Professional learningK -3 early number sense opportunities for staffassessment new for 2020-2021during suspension of in classK- 3 primary assessment of instruction (34 sessions in 6reading screener (PARS) new for weeks!) 2020-2021Meet and Eat professional4-7 Island Numeracy Assessment collaborative learning K-12Literacy and numeracy and8-9 district reading assessments social/emotional learningupdated for 2020-2021instructional practice Focus on Graduation Numeracy Focus on core competencies inand Literacy assessmentsall subject areas K-12 Participating in Provincial Assessment page created forassessment and reporting pilotaccess to information District Assessment and Reporting Review CommitteePage7'