b'Putting Canadas Food Guide to use! By Patricia Good, Dietitian/Coordinator Central Island Heathy Lifestyles program.Last year Canada unveiled its new food guide! While past food guides focused on food groups and dictated serving sizes and number of servings, our new guide has taken a completely different and refreshing approach to nutrition. The focus of the new food guide is on more than the foods you eat. It focuses on both our food choices and our eating habits. Our habits around eating greatly influence our food choices, which dictates the nutrition quality of our diet. To put it another way, if we have healthy eating habits we tend to choose to eat more nutritious foods. I challenge you to think about some of the habits you and your family have around eating. Do you eat meals together? Do you sit down at a table when eating?Do you just do the one activity of eating, turning off your phones/tablets and putting them away?Page3'