b'cole North Oyster staff member shares her own experiences about AlopeciaBefore Zoe Dusting returned to her teaching position at cole North Oyster in February 2021, she took an opportunity to provide a teachable moment.Zoe has had Alopecia since she was a teenager .Alopecia is an auto-immune system which attacks its own hair follicles and causes hair to fall out in small patches.This sudden hair loss can happen on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes and face. Being a little anxious about returning to work with this new bald woman identity, she wanted to share details about what having Alopecia looks like.Zoewantedtogivestudentsandstaff (andparentstoo)aheadsupabout whats going on with her head.She shares this courageous video owning whats different about her with hopes it will encourage others to do the same.Page7'