b'Wellness Centres RecognizedThe Wellness Centres at John Barsby Community School andThe wellness centres the Nanaimo Aquatic Centre (NAC) were recently recognized for their outstanding work in their communities, for improvingaddress the needs childrens health and wellness services. of youth in the Under the leadership of Dr. Wilma Arruda and with the supportcommunity that may of community partnerships, both centres have provided accessnot have otherwise to services for youth, from anywhere in the community. Dr. Arrudasaid,ThecollaborationofIslandHealth,Nanaimohad their health and LadysmithPublicSchools(NLPS)andtheNanaimoDivision of Family Practice has made these centres successful.Bothwellness needs met.centres provide much needed service to the most marginalized children and their families. Another initiative which Dr. Arruda has introduced, is Seeing the Invisible Children. This initiative focuses on providing pediatric caretochildrenandtheirfamilieswholiveinmarginalized circumstances,whoarenotattachedtoaprimarycare practitioner, and who may have difficulty navigating the medical system.CommunityThe Canadian Social Pediatrics Award for Advancing RICHER Interprofessional andPartnershipsIntersectoralPartnershipsgivenbythe JanuszKorczakAssociationofCanada and the Canadian Pediatric Society Social Pediatrics Interest Group, was presentedFamiliesto the teams for:Developing and sustaining the Wellness Centres at John BarsbyCollaboration Lasting Impactand the NAC InSchoolPediatricConsultationInstrumentalService Seeing the Invisible ChildrenPage3'