Page 17 Shout Outs! A huge shout out to Katie Bernaquez at Departure Bay Elementary Eco-School who moved into a classroom after the start of the school year. She has been able to bring the group together; she is constantly setting learning goals for herself. Most recently she sponsored a group of her students over her lunches to create a school newspaper. She is also keen to learn about eco-therapy as a way to assist students with self-regulation and ease anxiety. She is currently working on her own mini-inquiry project. She is an amazing teacher! KudostoElizabethLorenzforherworkonÉcoleQuarterway’s concert Canada: Proud, Strong and Free. It truly addressed the best, and the worst of Canada’s history and played a respectful tribute to our indigenous people. Great job! 68 Hoorays! to Chris Creighton at Departure Bay Elementary Eco-School for her work in the area of educating her students about reconciliation and her overall understanding, leadership and compassion that she demonstrates in this area. Her class has created a display for Orange Shirt Day and the Heart Garden as well a reflection about their Métis Day experience. Her class made Aboriginal memory bags as part of their “Shi-shi-etko” book study. Thanks go out to the principals and secretaries of both Cedar schools for the amazing jobs the four have done this year. There were many changes and challenges with the reopening and doubling in size. A huge shout out to Sophie Francescutti and Deanne Delage for the amazing musical and staging of the Beatles Journey performance at the Port Theatre recently. Also, kudos to Pleasant Valley students who performed it – amazing! 68 Hoorays