Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools

Weather Related Information

When deciding to close schools or cancel busing on days of inclement weather, decisions are always made with student and staff safety in mind. 

With winter weather approaching, below is a reminder of our process for communicating school closures when severe weather conditions make travel to and from schools unsafe.

The district recognizes school closures can be a hardship for many families and we always make every effort to keep schools open when possible. Our schools are located across a wide geographic area and weather conditions can vary drastically from one school to another. This means one area may not receive much snowfall however, several inches of snow in other parts will mean it is not safe for buses, staff, or students to travel to school and closures are necessary.

School district staff monitor road conditions starting at 2 a.m. and consider local safety advisories, such as direction from RCMP to the public to avoid travel. A recommendation on whether to close schools is made to the Superintendent/CEO by 5:30 a.m.

If the decision to close schools is made, please note the following:

  • Communications to parents, caregivers, and school district employees will be sent before 6:00 a.m.
  • Parents/caregivers will receive an email and text notification sent from the school district’s notification system.
  • Employees will receive an email.
  • Announcements will be made on local radio stations (WOLF 106.9 FM, WAVE 102.3 FM, and 91.7 COAST FM) on the day of the closure. Please do not call the radio station – tune in and listen for the announcements, which will be made on a regular basis.
  • The district website: will also have an notification on the home page if schools are closed.

It is always our priority to have schools open whenever possible to maximize learning opportunities for students. Parents, as always, may choose to keep their child at home if they don’t feel it’s safe to travel to school.

Thank you for your understanding,