2024-2025 Administration Dates
Starting on Tuesday, October 1 through to Friday, November 8, 2024, all B.C. students in Grades 4 and 7 will be participating in the B.C. Ministry of Education and Child Care’s Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA).
Grade 4
Literacy and Numeracy
Grade 7
Literacy and Numeracy
This provide-wide assessment:
- is based on B.C. curriculum.
- was created collaboratively by teachers, educational experts, and B.C.’s Ministry of Education and Child Care.
- happens early in the school year to help guide teaching and learning.
- is a ‘snapshot’ of what students have learned in reading, writing and numeracy so far in their school career.
- has four parts: a Collaboration Activity, a Student Booklet, some Online Questions, and a Student Self-Reflection.
- is used alongside other quality classroom assessments throughout the year.
FSA is only one measure of student learning.
FSA results DO NOT count towards the student’s report card marks.
There are multiple components that span over a number of days. It takes about 3.5 – 4 hours. If you need more time, you can have it. Some parts are completed online and some parts are done with pencil and paper.
Some parents may receive materials from the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation. Please keep in mind that administration of the FSA is a Ministerial Order. It is our Legislative Responsibility to ensure that this Ministry Assessment is administered, students are supervised, assessment is completed and the data from the assessments is collected and transmitted to the Minister.
The data from the FSA provides information to schools and the district to look at areas of direction for the coming year(s) curriculum which may need focus. Assessment results are provided to parents, teachers, schools, school districts and the Ministry of Education and Child Care.
Individual FSA student reports are sent home to the family (about one month)
after the completion date of the FSA administration team.