To register your child in Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools, please review the information listed below before submitting your application. You will receive email notification when your form has been successfully submitted. Please note, if you select the incorrect form, it will be discarded and you will need to re-submit the correct one, losing your original time/date stamp.
Please note: A student will normally attend the school located in the catchment area in which their parents or caregivers reside unless there is no physical, resource or program space available. Currently, the above provision may need to be applied more frequently, potentially resulting in more students needing placement outside their catchment school.
Before you begin you will need
- A valid email address
- Photo or scan showing proof of your child’s age and citizenship
- Photo or scan showing proof of residency
- Please view the complete list of acceptable documents before proceeding
- Information for parents with study permits who have school-aged children
- Information for parents with work permits who have school-aged children
We reserve the right to request additional documents. Applications are not considered complete until all supporting documentation has been submitted.
School Locator
To help find the schools that serve your address
Important Updates for 2024-2025
November 13, 2024
Enrolment continues to grow at some schools and they are approaching the maximum physical capacity of the buildings. The following schools may be closed for registrations, at certain grade levels for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Randerson Ridge Elementary
- Nanaimo District Secondary (Grade 8)
Register for School Here

I would like to register my child for:
Please see the important updates section about schools nearing capacity
- Frequently Asked Questions
- More information about the registration process
- What you need to know for all registrations
Register for StrongStart Early Learning Centres (preschool aged children)
StrongStart is a school-based, free program for families with young children (aged birth to five years). Find out more.
Coming to Kindergarten
Starting Kindergarten is a big adventure for you and your child.
Information for Guardians of Kindergarten Students 2025-2026. Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is ongoing.
The Coming to Kindergarten website is designed to give you an idea of what’s ahead. We invite you to use this guide to begin your child’s journey to school.
Delaying Kindergarten Enrollment
The School Act also states that parents/caregivers, of a child this age, may defer the enrolment of their child until the first school day of the next school year, when you may choose to register your child in either Kindergarten or Grade One.
If you are wishing to delay school enrolment for your five-year-old child, we request that you meet with your child’s catchment area school principal.
Out of Catchment Requests
Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools provides equal and exceptional learning opportunities in every school, across our District. While each school fosters its own unique community and culture, the quality of educational opportunities is consistent throughout.
Families are placed in their catchment school. Unique family circumstances may warrant a request to attend a different school, however it is not always possible to facilitate these requests. A school is only able to enroll Out of Catchment students if there is sufficient space, and there are resources to facilitate such a move.
Registration for Out of Catchment applications opens in January and the closing deadline is March 31st for the upcoming school year.
- Out of Catchment requests will be reviewed, and decisions made, by April 30th
- Families will be notified by April 30th regarding the status of their request. Please do not contact the district to check on your OOC status.
- By September 30th of the upcoming school year another review process will occur where all applications, including those received after March 31st, will be reviewed.
Early French Immersion Registration (Kindergarten & Grade 1)
Registration for Early French Immersion (Kindergarten & Grade 1) Starts January 8, 2025 at 8am and ends January 31, 2025. Student placement in French Immersion will be done via lottery. Students with an older sibling must register by the stated deadline for priority placement.
An Email will be sent out mid-February to all applicants announcing the lottery results. Applicants not offered a space are automatically placed on a wait list. Find out more.
Late French Immersion (Grade 6)
Online registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open January 8, 2025.
Secondary Academies
Academy Applications for the 2025-2026 school year will be accepted between January 8 and March 1, 2025. Find out more.
Be sure to complete and attach the District Secondary Academy Player and/or Performer Statement Form to your online registration.
An online registration is required, even if your child is/will be attending an academy school.
Should you have additional questions, please email