It is with great pleasure that I am able to provide the semi-annual update on the progress of the District’s Success for All: Operation Plan Update for the Board’s comments and questions. I am very proud to work for our District and would like to recognize the work of all District staff in moving forward the Board’s strategic goals, despite the extraordinary times we currently face.


Scott Saywell


In September 2019, the Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools’ (NLPS) Board of Education (the “Board”) approved a motion to accept a new four-year strategic plan (the “Plan”) to run to September 2023. The Plan, produced over a year in consultation with our community, is based on four broad goals supported by a number of objectives embedded within those goals. NLPS Staff then used the Board’s goals and objectives to create the Operational Plan.  The purpose of this document is to operationalize the Board’s plan by creating a number of “Action Themes” and “Action Plans” with measurable outcomes. 

This year to better align with the British Columbia’s Ministry of Education Framework for Enhancing Student Learning mandate we have updated some of the language in the Operational Plan. For instance, “Action Themes” and “Action Plans” are now called “Strategies” and “Indicators of Success”, respectively. Moreover, we have reviewed our Indicators of Success to ensure that we can truly measure our progress and be accountability to the Board and each other for our results.

NLPS Restart Plan


In addition to a change in the format of the Operational Plan, there are also major changes in our focus based on the needs of our students. For instance, in the Spring of 2020, only a few short months after adopting the Operational Plan, the COVID-19 pandemic hit NLPS, Canada and the world. While we have continued to strive towards the implementation of the Plan a lot of staff time and energy went into implementing crisis management measures to ensure a continuity of learning for our students and safe and healthy environment for all of our students and staff.

COVID-19 was not contemplated at the time of drafting the Operational Plan. However, it is clear that COVID-19 has had both immediate and long-term impacts on NLPS and its students which must be reflected in our planning. Many revisions included in the Operational Plan better aligns with student support success during and after the COVID-19 global pandemic. New priorities have emerged, others have become less important and some have been removed. For instance, we know that COVID-19 has disproportionately affected students from low socio-economic circumstances and whether students are learning via in-class instruction, online, or a hybrid model the home-school relationship has become increasingly important and we have highlighted the need to address learning loss and food security through this lens. In addition, greater urgency has been targeted at creating a trauma informed approach to education that we, in NLPS, call “compassionate schools”. A “compassionate schools” approach requires leaders to commit to ensuring a working and learning environment where physical and psychological safety is our top priority.

Supporting Students

Further, we also realized that certain aspects of the Operational Plan were already aligned to support students through this difficult time. For instance, we believe that our Syeyutsus Framework for community wellness during Covid-19 is an excellent approach for guiding staff and students to mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. “In our experience, Indigenous cultures embody many of the concepts of compassionate systems leadership: seeing the interconnectedness of people, the earth, and the Great Spirit; honouring relationship and voice; and grounding everything in a sense of land and identity.”  (source:

Ultimately, our north star continues to the be supporting students through the Board’s broad goals and I am confident that our results show that we are moving forward to meet these goals and the changes ensure alignment for continued future success.


Continuous improvement in Special Needs, Indigenous and overall student population on student achievement


Safe, Caring and Healthy Learning and Working Environment that is inclusive of diversity of our entire learning community


To Be a leader in Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability


Truth and Reconciliation


Continuous improvement in Special Needs, Indigenous and overall student population on student achievement​

Strategies and Indicators of Success​

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Build system capacity with respect to supportive post-pandemic instructional approaches

Indicators of Success

  • Implementation of the NLPS Reading Assessment as a formative data source to guide instruction will occur for every student in Grades 1 to 9 for September 2021. *complete
  • Monitoring and analyzing attendance and registration patterns during the Spring for September 2021 start-up to ensure schools are “flagging” students who may have missed significant amounts of instructional time during the pandemic. *complete
  • Attendance patterns returning to pre-COVID numbers.
  • Every teacher is aware of the NLPS Tier 1 universal expectations. *ongoing


Understand and address the learning needs for students in the graduation program as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Indicators of Success

  • Review of a student’s prior learning to assess and give credit for course specific competencies will occur during the Spring of 2021 for all students who are in a position to graduate. *complete
  • Identify and create a pathway to graduation for students who are at risk of not being on target for graduation through the Spring and Fall of 2021 and Spring of 2022.


Enhance system awareness of “Tiered Support” through the response to Intervention model.

Indicators of Success

  • Implementation of ‘Tiered Models of Support’ for Life Skills Programs by June 2021. *ongoing
  • Implementation of systematized Tiered reading interventions and assessment programs K-12 by January 2022. *ongoing
  • Development of a refreshed Inclusive Education portal by June 2021. *complete
  • Completion of series for teachers and SSTs in French Immersion regarding effective models of support by June 2023.
  • Completion of focus group conversations regarding Secondary ELL support model by June 2023.


Advancing supports to classroom teachers through Learning Coordinators, K-12

Indicators of Success

  • Increase percentage of students who report feeling success in reading, writing and numeracy, as per the annual Student Learning Survey.
  • Increased percentage of students who achieved a BC Certificate of Graduation Dogwood Diploma within 5 and 6 years of starting Grade 8 on an annual basis.


Advancing supports to teachers within Focus Schools through placement of Literacy Coordinators.

Indicators of Sucess

  • Increase percentage of students who report feeling success in reading and writing, as per the annual Student Learning Survey.
  • Increase percentage of students who are meeting or exceeding expectations as per the Focus Schools Annual Data Report from schools.


Advancing supports to classroom teachers and School-Based Teams through Inclusion Support Coordinators, K-12.

Indicators of Sucess

  • Annual analysis of survey feedback will reflect increased school team capacity and implementation of program recommendations. *ongoing


Build a data system to support decision making toward improved student success

Indicators of Success

  • Elementary report card history data system in place. Use the power of BI dashboard to look for trends that will identify areas in need of interventions and support. (September 2022)

Continue-providing collaborative opportunities for employees to work toward full implementation of the new curriculum


Undertake an inquiry to review language/literacy instruction and intervention in early years (K-3) French Immersion settings

Indicators of Success

  • Review and recommendations developed for effective approaches in early years language/literacy instruction and intervention for French Immersion. *ongoing


Support Collective Teacher Efficacy

Indicators of Success

  • Implement effective Professional Learning Community processes in all schools by September 2024


Facilitate and support opportunities for school-based staff to collaborate.

Indicators of Success

  • Gather and review annual feedback regarding efficacy of collaborative opportunities. i.e.
    – Learning Coordinators embedded in schools
    – NOIIE
    – Focus School Gatherings
    – Learning Leaders sessions
    – Pro D
    – Town Hall sessions
    – Inclusion Support mini workshops


Enhance the implementation of Tier 2 and 3 reading interventions

Indicators of Success

  • Increase in the number of students who are within widely held expectations in reading K-9 by June 2023.
  • Increasing in the number of students improving on the grades 10 and 12 Provincial Literacy assessment by June 2023.


Perform focused work with Island Connect Education (ICE) staff to improve pedagogical alignment in course offerings with the curriculum

Indicators of Success

  • Distance learning courses K-12 will be reviewed and/or redesigned by June 2023.
  • K-7 reviewed and redesigned. *complete


Support and share effective numeracy teaching and assessment practices that align with the curriculum.

Indicators of Success

  • Increase the percentage of students who feel success in numeracy, as per the Student Learning Survey on an annual basis.
  • Creation of math indicators of proficiency document with supporting resources and strategies Development of grade 7-8 Math Formative Assessment tool. *ongoing

Improve opportunities for early intervention and learning


Develop a local Scope and Sequence aligned with the Provincial Early Years’ Framework

Indicators of Success

  • Creation of a scope & sequence for the implementation of the Early Years Framework by June 2023


Expand childcare and before and after school care programs to be available at every elementary school in the district.

Indicators of Success

  • Increase the number of childcare and before and after care spaces in the district by 3 sites per year.

Increase leadership capacity and excellence


Build leadership capacity for all Managers and Staff

Indicators of Success

  • The provision of a variety of robust and current professional development topics that provide people management and relations excellence across the leadership group.


Safe, Caring and Healthy Learning and Working Environment that is inclusive of diversity of our entire learning community

Increase the number of students who feel welcomed, safe, connected and have a sense of belonging in their schools​

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Build system capacity with respect to supportive post-pandemic instructional approaches

Indicators of Success

  • Communicate to families of students who transitioned from their neighbourhood school during the COVID-19 Pandemic, a clear process for accessing learning options for September 2021. *complete
  • Continue to track students who transitioned from their neighbourhood school to other learning options during the COVID-19 pandemic, and ensure that all students are accounted for during the Spring of 2021. *complete
  • Create and educate system leaders on a district-wide “Pandemic Recovery Plan” for reengaging students and families with their neighbourhood school community, and to address learning needs by July 2021. *complete
  • Use and analyze data sources such as enrollment, attendance records, and Report Cards to continue to monitor student progress through the Fall of 2021. *complete
  • Facilitate and implement Compassionate Systems Leadership and Trauma Sensitive practices. *ongoing


Creation and implementation of 3 yr Scope and Sequence for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) and Racism Initiatives

Indicators of Success

  • Safe Schools Committee to engage in conversation with community members regarding SOGI/Racism needs/concerns by June 2021. *complete
  • System-wide implementation of training and awareness-building initiatives by June 2023


Increase community awareness of supports that are available to learners with social/emotional needs

Indicators of Success

  • Implementation of a parent resource area on the NLPS website with information regarding social/emotional supports by June 2021. *complete

Increasing awareness and capacity in supporting children and youth in care


Develop a District wide response and support framework

Indicators of Success

  • Enhance deeper relationships with representatives form Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) and Kw’umut Lelum.
  • Framework and guiding documents for staff are completed by June 2022.
  • All students in care assigned a mentor by October 2021. *complete


Provide Secondary Administrator and mentors with training

Indicators of Success

  • Completion of capacity-building series for Secondary Administrators and mentors. *ongoing


Develop a data system that allows the district to track student progress

Indicators of Success

  • Data system will be developed and functioning. *ongoing

Increase the number of students who feel there are two or more adults at their school who care about them​


Implementation of the SEAL teams

Indicators of Success

  • Create and implement Social Emotional Academic Learning Teams (SEAL). *complete
  • Complete street data review of the CASEL foundation domains by January 2023.
  • Complete inventory of resources at each school by March 2023.
  • Complete a stakeholder survey by June 2023.


Increase understanding of compassionate systems leadership

Indicators of Success

  • In-service workshop for system leaders, cross departmentally by June 2022

Increasing awareness and capacity in addressing mental health and wellness​


Provide on-going communication and education with regards to mental health

Indicators of Success

  • Monthly mental wellness newsletter to be distributed to all school on an on-going basis.


Ensure PVPs and Counsellors have up to date Crisis Response Training

Indicators of Success

  • All PVPs trained in Violent Threat Assessment on a two-year cycle.
  • One PVP trained in Non-Violent Crisis Intervention at each site on a two-year cycle.


Ensure all Elementary Counsellors are trained in both EASE and ERASE protocols

Indicators of Success

  • All Elementary Counsellors to receive EASE Training by June 2021. *complete
  • All newly hired Elementary Counsellors receive ERASE training. *complete


Implement the “Response to Vaping Strategy” across the district

Indicators of Success

  • All Secondary schools to receive school-wide presentations by June 2021. *complete
  • All CYFSWs have received in-service training by June 2021. *complete
  • Decrease the percentage of students who report vaping, as per the annual Student Learning Survey for January 2022.

Accelerate seismic upgrades and upgrade aging facilities​


Complete and Implement the Board’s Long-Range Facilities Plan

Indicators of Success

  • Ministry of Education approval of seismic upgrades on a yearly basis


Implement the Access to Technology Program (school WI-FI infrastructure program)

Indicators of Success

  • Upgrade 20% of schools each year until completion


Use local and provincial funding for health and safety upgrades to address COVID-19

Indicators of Success

  • All district facilities will have modern HVAC systems and the ability to support high efficiency filtration


Develop and orchestrate viable HR Systems, Processes and Guidelines

Indicators of Success

  • Respond and comply to legal, system, process and informational needs of all users of HR related matters.
  • District risk is managed by compliance to legal and labour relations requirements.


Develop strategies for positions that present recruitment and retention challenges

Indicators of Success

  • Reduction in the number of unfilled vacancies and attrition for positions that are challenging to recruit


To Be a leader in Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability

Annually reduce School District Greenhouse gas emissions by 4.5% a year​

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Continue to apply for Ministry funding to support low carbon infrastructure updates

Indicators of Success

  • One or more successful major project approvals yearly from the Ministry


Convert our bus fleet to electric

Indicators of Success

  • Reduce the percentage of busing in our fleet using diesel by 5% each year


Utilize low GHG technology when replacing infrastructure and equipment where feasible

Indicators of Success

  • Reports from purchasing indicating low carbon equipment purchases by departments and schools

Establish a Board Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Committee


Establish a committee that has representation from trustees, staff, DPAC, students and the community.

Indicators of Success

  • Established committee meets quarterly to identify strategies to achieve Board Goal during 2021-2022 school year.

Increase learning opportunities for students and staff on climate change and sustainability


Disseminating climate change and sustainability materials including Indigenous principles

Indicators of Success

  • Identify and distribute resources for use by staff and students by June 2021


Create a Learning Series available to NLPS staff, students and community partners with respect to climate change and sustainability

Indicators of Success

  • Large attendance in session
  • Media attention of the Learning Series

Implement a food security initiative that includes community partners


Develop a food security strategy in consultation with community partners

Indicators of Success

  • Establish key partnerships and operationalize working group structures by June 2021. *complete
  • Identify district representatives of Farm to School Advisory Committee by June 2021. *complete
  • Food Security strategy established by June 2021. *complete


Continue to respond to food security challenges that escalated as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Indicators of Success

  • Food Depot at Woodlands site operational and fully functioning by January 2021. *complete

Supply and support infrastructure for sorting, composting and recycling at all educational facilities​


Require DAC and schools to develop innovative practices and report out on results annually

Indicators of Success

  • Infrastructure for sorting, composting, recycling, and collection of materials is in place at all NLPS sites by June 2021

Increase opportunities for outdoor education and programming in the district​


Financially support school requested outdoor learning spaces

Indicators of Success

  • At least one outdoor learning space supported from the Annual Facilities Grant (AFG) on a yearly basis.


Encourage schools to develop outdoor learning opportunities

Indicators of Success

  • Create an inventory of school and community based outdoor learning opportunities to be shared with schools by June 2022.
  • Provide inservice to ensure a qualified Outdoor Education teacher at each secondary school (2022-23).
  • Use train the trainer model to provide professional learning for minimum one teacher per school (2022-23).


Truth and Reconciliation

Implementation of the Syeyutsus Reconciliation Framework in the school community​

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Create a common understanding of the Syeyutsus framework throughout the system

Indicators of Success

  • A clear understanding of the Syeyutsus Framework will be evident throughout the system


Environmental scan of understanding re: Syeyutsus Reconciliation will be conducted throughout the district

Indicators of Success

  • An environmental scan report will be prepared and presented by June 2021. *complete


Creation of information packages for departments and schools (e.g. print, banners, posters)

Indicators of Success

  • Syeyutsus Reconciliation information packages will be created and displayed in all schools and district work sites

Support innovative Indigenous educational and community partnerships​


Influencing local organizations and influencing other reconciliation activities

Indicators of Success

  • NLPS working within established relationships of local organizations to promote and foster reconciliation. *ongoing


Continue and grow First Nation and Indigenous relationships

Indicators of Success

  • Foster good working relationships with local First Nation and Indigenous partners as recognized by signing formalized agreements (LEA, MOU, Partnership/Collaboration Agreements) which are reviewed annually, to solidify our working relationship.


Supporting our most vulnerable students by developing a business case with partners for the Te’tuxwtun project.

Indicators of Success

  • A plan that includes the final determination of the intended programming for the site.
  • Support by the Ministry of Education for the Te’tuxwtun project through the District’s Capital Plan.


Support the transition of Tsawalk and Nisaika Kumtuks Programs from SD84 to SD68

Indicators of Success

  • Facilitation of a smooth transition of students from Tswawalk and Nisaika Kumtuks Programs to SD68 is to occur for September 2021. *complete

Implement Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action #57​


Increase Cultural awareness by identifying opportunities across the district

Indicators of Success

  • Compile a data base of Indigenous cultural awareness opportunities and share with all schools annually


Increase Cultural awareness by identifying experienced trainers to deliver training

Indicators of Success

  • Compile a data base of experienced Indigenous presenters who may share understandings of cultural awareness in schools annually

Promote land and Hul’qumi’num language based learning programs​


Purchasing and create resources to support Indigenous content

Indicators of Success

  • Allocate budget to increase resources depicting Indigenous content that will be added to the district collection and available to all schools


Creating resources to support Hul’qumi’num language developent

Indicators of Success

  • Allocate budget to increae resources that support Hul’q’umi’num language development to be added to the district collection that is available to all schools


Explore the possibility of creating a Hul’qumi’num immersion school

Indicators of Success

  • Create draft guidelines for use when considering Hul’qumi’num Immersion School.
  • Hul’qumi’num classroom teacher K-1 level at Qwam Qwum Stuwixwulh