If you wish to appear before the Board as a delegation, you need to submit your request to the Secretary-Treasurer’s Office in writing nine days before the regular meeting.
Your letter asking to appear should identify the spokesperson for your group; the topic you will be discussing, and the phone number or address where you can be reached.
Depending on the number of requests for delegations to appear before the Board, you may be scheduled for the next regular meeting or one sometime after that. When appearing before the Board, delegations are asked to limit their presentations to 10 minutes.
Learn more about Boards of Education and trustees from B.C. School Trustees Association (BCSTA).
When the Board Receives Correspondence
To ensure that your correspondence is addressed, your email will be forwarded to the Board and senior staff immediately. Historically, all correspondence received from the public will be discussed at an Agenda Setting meeting where a decision is made to include it in either the public or in-camera (closed) Board agenda package. *Please note, if your correspondence includes student or district employee information, it will be added to the in-camera agenda package. Further, your name and correspondence content will be included in the public record verbatim (i.e. made available online), however, we will respect your privacy and will remove your contact information that you included in your original correspondence.
Once received at a Board meeting, the Board of Education determines if the correspondence should be: Referred to staff for response; Board Chair response; received and filed as information; or referred to the Education or Business Committee for further discussion. The Board will strive to respond or answer your questions once it is determined how it will proceed. As per Board policy, Regular Board meetings are typically held on the fourth Wednesday of every month, from September to June.
If your correspondence is pertaining to an upcoming event, please keep these procedures in mind and allow sufficient time for response.
Contacting the Board
If you would like to submit a letter to the Board of Education to be included in the public Board agenda package please email Karen Matthews, Manager – Administrative Services: DistrictAdministrationCentreManager@sd68.bc.ca.
Please note: Due to privacy legislation, if your letter contains names, addresses or any personal information of a student, district employee or a member of the general public, the letter will only be available in the closed Board meeting packages.
Reach out to individual trustees:
- Naomi Bailey (Board Chair)
- Greg Keller (Vice Chair)
- Tania Brzovic
- Leanne Lee